At Jefferson Elementary School, Aria was one of a handful of ten-year-olds who found the courage to try. They wrote their speeches and practiced during lunch recess for weeks. They put up their handmade posters with their campaign managers. They spoke in front of the entire school, articulating why they were the best one for the job and promising more ice cream days.
And then the ballots were cast. Winning and losing became a real and raw life lesson.
Watching each child approach the stage was a tender example of the bravery of trying. The importance of stepping up to life’s podium when we have something to share with the world. The gift we receive ~ regardless of the outcome ~ knowing the strength in ourselves.
I wrote this prayer for my daughter while waiting for the results. I think I’ll keep it handy.
Thank you for guiding me to my most bright and fullest self.
Thank you for sending me the whispers that I am strong enough to try.
Thank you for all that I have learned about myself from trying:
that I am brave, that I am smart and creative, that I know myself best.
Help others, who want to be brave enough to try, to find this part of themselves too.
Thank you for all the support I felt from others.
Thank you for helping me find the part inside that I can count on
when I feel scared, nervous, shy or disappointed.
Help me to remember that loss and disappointment are a part of life,
and that I don’t need to fear it. I can walk through it, talk through it,
feel through it, be in it.
Please continue to guide me towards the ways I can bring my gifts into the world
and to trust myself every step of the way.
Thank you for growing my roots deeper into the earth and my limbs higher towards the sky.
As I am now a stronger, more beautiful blossoming person from it.