My family is searching for the best final home for my 95 year old grandmother, while at the same time I am trying to find the best middle school for my daughter. And it dawned on me that somewhere between age 10 and 95 there are many moments when we turn on cruise control.
How might life be different if I regularly evaluated it with the same microscope of questions that I'm applying to this crazy school tour process we go through, raising our children in San Francisco:
Does my environment stimulate learning?
Am I inspired to be my fullest self?
Is there time built into my week to be creative, physical, and intellectual?
Does my peer group bring out the best in me?
Who are my teachers?
What time does my day start and end?
Am I encouraged to take risks and make mistakes?
Do I get a hot lunch?
Am I able to be myself?
I'm interested ~ What is your list? How is life measuring up . . . what selections can you make to fine tune it?