It was truly a Give a Pig a Pancake, attention deficit, perimenopausal day. I don’t imagine I’m alone.
Haven’t we all perfected the state of Scattered with increasing life responsibility, logistics overload, lack of sleep, the downpour of social media, and imploding inboxes.
Then there are our hormones. How do we distinguish the cause of Scattered among the possible symptoms of:
- “Decreased alertness” from our monthly cycle
- “Difficulty concentrating and memory lapses” during our path to menopause
- “The inability to cope with stress and fuzzy thinking” from adrenal fatigue
- “Impaired working and spacial memory” of chronic stress
- “Mental fog”, an official symptom of thyroid disfunction, (my personal favorite)
I know you know this already but as the week continues let’s try to commit it to memory (not an easy task):
- It’s not a personal problem. It’s societal.
- It’s okay to stop. Literally stop.
- You don’t have to hide when you stop. You can actually tell your boss, your team, your family what you need. They usually see your short circuit coming way before you do.
- Feeling guilty when you stop is personal. It’s between you and your superwoman self. No one can squash that feeling but you.
- It doesn’t take much. Five minutes ~ set the timer, often.
- Know what works. Cleaning out your inbox on your “break” doesn’t. Grounding requires going inward, shutting out stimuli, finding stillness, shifting your breath. Try literally getting grounded horizontally. Conference room floors work too!
- Be the change: a cliche, but true. Model the self care that the world needs. Be courageous at work. Teach your children the life skill of self monitoring and self care by example.
Today I’m ready for more focus, more tasks, more clarity. I know another wave of Scattered will arrive in the future. I also know the more often we identify Scattered, care for Scattered, and give it the space and pace to dissipate, the faster we get back on track.
By track, I don’t mean the treadmill. I mean a conscious path of self compassion and resilience.