When something breaks it requires our attention. I can tell you from experience, if you don’t stop and tend to it you will get a foot in a walking cast, piles of dirty dishes, glass splinters, a nagging conscience, and chronic malaise.
No matter how aggravating, uncomfortable, or overwhelming it may be, the sooner we deal with what’s broken, the lighter we become.
Whether it requires patience for a slow heal, help from others, piecing it together or letting it go . . . doing the work is the important exercise.
When material things break, we are immediately reminded of what really matters in life. When we physically break, it’s a forced exercise in self care. When parts of our lives feel broken, we are invited to find our most vulnerable and most strong selves. All gifts in life.
What’s broken for you? Might it be life’s invitation to slow down, pay attention, and do the work?
May “Doing the Work” in your life be less about fixing and more about accepting imperfection, being comfortable with the uncomfortable, knowing when to let go, feeling your strength, healing with your heart, and lightening your load.
And while we work on ourselves, may we all continue to work together to heal our broken world. It needs us.