I immediately smiled and started to mentally gather all the beautiful women in my life. As my collage grew, I struggled to whittle down the bounty of amazing qualities I saw into a single answer. In the end, I did find one common trait.
For me, a woman’s beauty grows as she discovers what in life makes her feel most alive and then carves out time in her life to nurture that part of herself.
You feel her energy. It draws you to her. Being in her company inspires you to work a little more at your own fulfillment.
Whether it be growing your career, growing your spirit, growing your intellect, growing your children, or growing your garden . . . maybe it’s feeling strong in your body, helping others, creating something new . . . It doesn’t matter what makes you feel most alive. It may change over time or have many layers.
It’s about holding that part of you sacred, sharing it openly, and encouraging it in others.
For me, Beauty isn’t a quality. Beauty is a state of being. It’s an energy that feeds you and feeds others in your company. It’s a strength in knowing yourself. It’s a vulnerability in sharing that piece of you with others. It’s a gentleness in supporting others in their journey.
So tell me Beautiful, what makes you come alive? I would love to know!
Happy Fill Your Heart Day,
PS. This Valentine's Day is a perfect time to acknowledge the beautiful women in your life.