I have spent the last two years doing an independent study on energy that won’t lead to any degree but has significantly altered my life. It started when I was diagnosed with hypo-thyroidism, an auto immune condition that can completely drain you of energy if untreated.
I have learned what you already know too.
Energy impacts everything.
It is our ability to get through the day with grace.
It’s the fuel that brings passion to our relationships, our bedroom, our projects, our life’s meaning.
Energy is a space you create in the company of others.
It can create focus or frenzy, depending on how you manage it.
It is the pockets in our body that hold our emotions, working for us or against us, ideally through us.
We can manage energy through the foods we eat, the sleep we get, the endorphins we generate with exercise, and I believe, most importantly, the space we create to connect with it.
We can collect energy not just in moments of rest, but also in moments of inspiration, calm, achievement, love, reflection, connection, exploration, or gratitude.
As we grow in awareness and respect for ourselves as a body of energy, we can hone in on our patterns of thought and actions, the beliefs we carry, and the habits we practice that either fuel or deplete us.
For example, this week I practiced the mantra, “I live my life with ease.” I need to say it hourly. It’s amazing, energy-giving medicine. When we lighten up on ourselves, there is more space for energy to enter in. It seeps into our cells between our breaths, our thoughts, and our moments of calm.
Fear, anger, insecurity, doubt, guilt, blame, regret are all slow energy leaks.
Creating a loving discipline for managing your energy is important because the more energy you have, the more you can share with others, without it being at the expense of yourself.
Let this weekend be an experiment in determining what you need to be fully energized. Refuel and then share it lovingly.