It can feel like fleeing, but this urge to move is really the need for new energy. If you know what energy you need, you will know what direction to step. Sometimes we need to shift into calm. Sometimes we need energy that motivates. What do you need?
Step back and contemplate. Think deeply, carefully, and fully. Land in the parts of life you tend to push through, stuff down, or gloss over.
Step into nature. My yoga teacher Charu Rachlis says it’s always there to help you find the most direct path to your highest self.
Step up and make a decision. Then wear it for a while and see what energy it creates.
Step out of your comfort zone. Feel the surge of energy that comes from taking a risk, feeling your edge.
Step away, mindfully. Just stop. Or go. Whatever you need to create space for new energy to come in. I stopped writing for a bit. I felt the need to refuel that tank. I just spent a long weekend with a dear friend. I needed space from my day to day life.
And then there’s the Two Step. I was in a cowboy bar in Dallas last weekend watching the leather boots on the crowded dance floor sliding, twirling, and stomping. The Two Step is a rhythm of two steps right and one step left. It’s simple, but requires concentration. I gave it whirl and it was pure fun!
When you aren’t sure what step to take, the Two Step always works. Move in the direction of delight! You will receive fresh energy, expansiveness, and a new spring in your step.