Last month I found myself "surfing the Mavericks". It’s been an intense journey of seeking that came unexpectedly and was hard to navigate. It’s over now. I am catching my breath and seeing my ride with clarity that wasn’t there for me when just my nose was above the water.
I wonder if you might be riding the same wave. Are you seeking answers that aren’t ready to take shape?
I asked for help to calm the swell within my mind, body and spirit, calling on my beautiful circle of wisdom. You know the combination: doctors, healers, coaches, friends, family, teachers, mentors. Ultimately the greatest clarity came from the Universe delivering two blessings.
The first blessing came to me while driving to the airport. I love the belief of animal totems. They bring us messages of what we need and help us connect with our innate beings. I have always felt a connection to hawks and have many stories of hawks visiting me. While I was driving, a hawk flew up out of the field carrying a large two-foot snake in its talons. I knew this was a powerful message I needed to receive but I didn’t understand its meaning until I returned from my trip.
I had received an invitation to take the last seat on a plane and fly down to San Diego to hear and meet Ekhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer. It felt like a high end pilgrimage to hear three modern day Western disciples.
Ekhart’s words pierced through my seeking, “The need to understand your life is a mental construct. If you are looking for enlightenment like something that will arrive, you will never receive it, because it cannot be grasped. Let go and find a sense of not knowing. This is your awakening . . .”
I realized my deep seeking has actually been a shedding. Instead of grasping for something in front of me I was actually letting go of a part of myself that no longer served a purpose. And what has emerged is still taking shape. It feels wonderful.
Shedding may feel like a combination of yearning, heaviness, agitation, overwhelm, inspiration, or confusion. It may be an unexplained push towards change. It may have an undertow of a lack of trust or intuition. Shedding can penetrate your thoughts, emotions, spirit and physical condition.
Shedding is the work of change. It’s hard work work but holds a different energy. It’s an energy of letting go of a part of yourself versus trying to effort through “self develop”. If I would have recognized my seeking as shedding from the start, it would have lightened my journey.
My daughter just came home from school this week with a gift for me she made in ceramics. “I don’t really like it Mom but you can have it if you want it.” How did she know?
Are you seeking clarity using your old lens? Maybe it’s time to shed some of your beliefs or thought patterns. Maybe it’s time to shed the need for clarity. The skin I shed may not be yours. The next time you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, try letting it go.