When it hits, it has a power of its own. I was hit with overwhelm today. I was walking on the beach. It caught me off guard like a rogue wave and brought me to tears.
There is plenty in life that can trigger overwhelm. Whether it’s figuring out your life plan or the day’s to dos. Usually it’s a combination of both, the sense of smallness against the largeness of the moment . . . and trying to control something that hasn’t even arrived.
For me it was a silly combination of not enough sleep, the state of education in the Bay Area, and a dying christmas tree.
As my inhales continued to tighten, I received an amazing gift. I approached some sand carvings . . . Someone had created a labyrinth in the sand and written next to it, “It’s not the destination. It’s the journey.”
Overwhelm is birthed in worry. Worry is about the future. Pure mindfulness is being completely and purposefully steeped in the present. Tonight I have new resolve to keep trying. I believe in its power. We all have tasted it in fleeting moments.
What is your next moment of trying to be in the present? Maybe brushing your teeth, wiping down a counter, taking down a Christmas tree, feeding a pet, a kiss good night, feeling the comfort of bed.
May your journey be rich in the Now.