If this day were completely yours to design, what would you do?
Last weekend was my birthday and I was given that exact gift. As the days whittled down to hours, I continued to struggle with my answer and my frustration grew. Why don't I know what I want! Can you relate? Here’s what I think:
Desires can feel distant: We are not taught to tune into or give into our desires. We are taught to be responsible. To be good. To think of others. To live in moderation.
Desires can feel selfish: Desires are often attached to guilt. That would be too indulgent. What is the impact to others? I’m not worthy. I need to be productive.
Desires can feel stressful: Even when we have clear desires, our time is so precious that we can feel paralyzed by options. We operate out of a scarcity model, not getting enough sleep, exercise, time with our family or friends, time with ourselves. Desire comes with pressure to make the ‘right’ decision.
It can be easier to ignore desires, but they are important. True desires are not knee jerk reactions ~ they come from deep within and are whispers from our most authentic self, telling us what we need to feel inspired . . . .to feel balanced . . .to feel at peace. Try using your next free hour or two this weekend to tap into this place of wisdom.
Be still . . . breathe and wait for your desires to surface.
Let go . . . of the need to do the right thing, to be logical, to be in control. Just listen and then act. And if you need help to make it happen, ask for it!
Make the time . . . it’s an investment. Any day that you are ready to make a desire a priority, it is ready to deliver the gift of fulfillment, fresh energy, and joy wrapped in a silver bow.
And it doesn’t have to be your birthday.