Do you always pick the most direct path?
I just came back from a family vacation that required navigation. We toggled between GPS and traffic status applications to weave our way in the most direct path possible, choosing between the shortest distance and shortest time.
But is the best path always the shortest?
Sometimes in our deadline driven lives, we don't have the luxury of a scenic route. However, once in a while we can choose how to get from point A to point B.
I have personally been playing around with the scenic route. It can feel counter-intuitive not to actively push towards an important decision or goal. Yet there is a navigation system within us that requires us to stay open, in tune, patient, and comfortable with the unknown. How comfortable are you with your unknowns?
Some call it being "in flow" or operating from our gut. In this mode, you drive slowly enough to read life's signs and are nimble enough to turn when you arrive at a path of possibility. And when you get ‘lost’, there is no need to panic. You are able to trust your internal compass to steer you straight.
In what area of your life are you seeking direction? Do you turn inward our outward for this direction?
What personal goal might benefit from slowing down and tuning in to your own GPS system? I'd love to know.
Life is a balance of charting our course and being content while ‘getting there’. Instead of mapping out your whole trip.... I invite you to be fully present with each mile, trusting it’s where you are supposed to be and knowing you will recognize your next turn. It may be closer than you think.