Inside we found an intimate setting of just a few folks sprawled out on a hodge podge of oriental rugs, sinking into the delicate guitar notes of a promising performance. Both musicians seemed to have that unspoken language that many siblings hold, that gave them a natural ebb and flow.
Right as we settled in they stopped abruptly, asked for an adjustment to one of the amplifiers, tried it out and started the song over.
Happy to hear it again, we listened with new familiarity, as the two women started to add lyrics. But again, it only took a few moments before the artists slowed to a stop and asked for more vocals and less on the guitars.
Jill and I decided, since the audience was small, that we should encourage them with our big smiles and head nods, to continue with the show. They sounded perfect to us.
But our laymen ears and enthusiastic swaying wasn’t enough. Again, they couldn’t get through the song. Both frustration and sympathy bubbled within me. Their lovely voices teased us. Even during their fine tuning, their harmony lifted the spirits in the room.
It started to feel like a late night skit. As we stood up to leave one of the artists spoke into the mic, “We are Ma Muse. Please come back at 9 for our concert!”
Unknowingly, we had showed up for their soundcheck session!
With a newly purchased CD and fresh laughter we listened to their beautiful harmony the whole way home.
Now there are two possible morals to this story. I will let you decide which one is for you.
For those feeling discord in life, harmony is an exercise of paying careful attention to both the highs and lows, the light and the dark. You cannot race to harmony. It is worth your time and scrutiny to find that sweet balance of notes that will bring you fulfillment and peace in life.
For the perfectionists, the world may be on the edge of its seat, waiting for you to stop your soundcheck and to share your voice, your talents, your contribution.
I'd love to know which ending you are drawn to. Enjoy sinking deep into harmony with Ma Muse.