My husband is the kind of guy who signs up to be on his company’s Emergency Response Team for fire drills. Seriously. He came home from his day in training recently and announced, “I’m going to crush it tomorrow during the drill! The first one who responds to the alarm gets to be the Incident Commander and wear an orange vest!” It was a Phil Dunphy moment.
We all know those people who have an unbelievable capacity for enthusiasm. Maybe you are one too. Maybe you wonder where they find their deep well of energy and optimism.
I happened to marry one. This month Alex is eagerly interested in fostering baby chicks, fresh kale smoothies, the nette pot, productivity tools, planting blueberry bushes, the next big idea . . .
What’s not to love about their “intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval,” as Google defines enthusiasm.
So how do we invite more enthusiasm into our lives?
Alex was half kidding in his zeal, but earnest as I heard him explain to my daughter about wearing the orange vest, “When you feel embarrassed about doing something new, just smile and be extra kind and friendly.” Great advice! Being open is a definite prerequisite for enthusiastic living.
Interestingly, the color orange is associated with our second energy center or chakra, in the lower abdomen. This energy is about joy, enthusiasm, passion, freedom, sexuality, creativity, confidence, and learning to let go.
So why not ~
Say Yes.
Be a bit vulnerable.
Let go of criticism.
Reconnect with your childlike eagerness.
Put on your orange energy vest!
And see what invitation the universe delivers next!