“Eva, I think you are taller than I am!” I knew it was coming, but it still took me by surprise.
As well did her response, “Yes Mama. I’ve known for about a month, but didn’t want to tell you.”
A sweet moment of wrestling with growing up, shifting relationships and vantage points. The momentum of life.
I had to wonder what about me invited this milestone to be tucked away. Maybe my wet eyes every time we watch home videos or my promise to be able to always pick her up. Surely I have many subtle actions trying to keep her little.
Then I started thinking about my relationship with myself. I’ve done my own growing this past year and haven’t claimed it. I’ve said yes, when I naturally would have said no. I’ve taken some risks. I’ve asked for help.
When we follow the traditional exercise of forward goal setting, we miss an opportunity to look in the mirror and see the growth before our eyes.
I just came back from an amazing weekend with the poet David Whyte. He so wisely shared, “Solid ground is the meeting between what you think is you and isn’t you . . . A narrow definition of self gives us a narrow place to stand.”
How can you expand the ground of Self you stand on? Take a look at how you’ve grown. Give yourself more than a minute. Maybe light a candle, pull up a calendar to review the months of your journey, and honor your own momentum. What would you like to claim? Send me an email ! I would love to stand next to you on your solid ground, gaze at your beautiful reflection and smile, “Yes, you ARE taller.”