Our personal definition of Enough is one of the most prevailing influences in our lives.
Does Enough leave you with a feeling of scarcity or abundance?
Does it choke you?
I don't do enough.
I don't earn enough.
I don't give enough.
I don't have enough.
I am not enough.
Or set you free?
I do enough.
I earn enough.
I give enough.
I have enough.
I am enough.
This year I decreed "I am enough!" as my personal mantra. Seriously. It has altered my entire way of being. I breathe more deeply. I've slowed down. I can go to bed with a dirty house and a clean conscience. I didn't wait to become 'more' before I launched Delight for the Soul. And if it never becomes "more" I will feel fulfilled. I've forgiven myself for all the things I haven't done . . . and will continue not to do.
It's truly liberating. Please try it. All you have to do is whisper "I am enough." to yourself all day long. It's a comforting little ditty and becomes quite believable.
Let me get you started. You are enough.